A few days after we sent off our contracts, we were told that they had been approved. Hurray! Not that we were worried, but it's always great to be official. We got our Adoption Planner a few days after that.
Tuesday of last week we had our first (phone) meeting with our case worker at AGCI!! So exciting! She talked us through most of the steps we'll be taking from now until we turn in our dossier. Wow! There's a lot of stuff. She also told us the things that we should start working on right away.
They have Next Steps to take like FBI checks by 1 week, CPS checks by 2 weeks, etc. Very helpful ... and a little daunting. :)
It turns out you have to have a CPS check for every state and country you've lived in for 3 weeks or more since you were 18. It should be interesting getting a CPS check from another country ... especially one not particularly known for it's speed in red-tape matters. I'll be interested to see how that goes.
AGCI has a rule that we have to have EVERYTHING for the home study and dossier turned in within 6 months of the date of our application. So by November 15th we have to have everything finished. That seems like a long way off until you look at the different steps and they say they can take 13-14 weeks, etc. etc.
Thankfully, back when we were planning on doing the home study first, we went ahead and got most of the documents together that we would need and filled out the information about ourselves ... unless you've done a home study, you would not BELIEVE how many questions there are about your life. It's crazy! But ... it's mostly done already. Hurray!
So our home study agency is working on the FBI checks, and we're trying to get the loose ends tied up on the packet for them. Hopefully we'll be able to send that off in the next few days.
On a tangentially related note ... I know this may not seem that exciting to some of you, but it was SUPER exciting to me!
I got a FB message from a friend that I worked with at Old Navy when Cole & I were in college. She said she had been following my blog and saw my Etsy shop. She told me she has a shop, too, and that she has fabric left over that's not big enough for the things she does ... so she offered it to me! And not a little bit of fabric. A WHOLE BOX full!
If you have been to the fabric department at Hobby Lobby or JoAnn lately, you know how much fabric costs ... especially the minky dot fabric that she sent me. It was like Christmas!
Thanks, Laura! And you all should check out her shop Sweetheart-n-Sunshine.
I'm not sure what I'll do with all of it. I had been wanting to buy some to use to add texture to my appliqués, so I'm sure I'll do that. And I'll probably make a lot of these, too.
This one was for my sweet baby niece.
And just for fun, here are some pictures of the cutest little model I know. I'm trying to take pictures of everything I make so that I can add stuff to my shop. This is the first time I've used Hayley as a model though. I know I'm a wee bit biased, but isn't she adorable!!

And because I just can't resist sharing their cuteness ...